Nambiar District 25 launch price per square feet is Rs. 11700. A premium 2BHK apartment starts at Rs. 1.47 Crores, and it goes up to Rs. 3.08 Crores for an ultra-luxurious 4 BHK apartment. For buyers buying apartments here early on, The Nambiar Group offers tempting early-bird specials.
A project's developer's launch price is to raise money for its construction at an early stage. It helps them to raise capital for project developments. Buyers find these prices appealing as the houses are affordable at this time.
Nambiar District 25 launch price in Bangalore is as follows
Unit Type | Size | Price |
2BHK Flat | 1200 - 1279 sq ft | Rs. 1.47 Crores to Rs. 1.56 Crores |
2.5BHK Flat | 1376 - 1477 sq ft | Rs. 1.69 Crores to Rs. 1.78 Crores |
3BHK Flat | 1560 - 1948 sq ft | Rs. 1.87 Crores to Rs. 2.36 Crores |
3.5BHK Flat | 2002 - 2095 sq ft | Rs. 2.54 Crores to Rs. 2.65 Crores |
4BHK Flat | 2400 - 2491 sq ft | Rs. 3.08 Crores onwards |
The project offers 2,2.5,3, 3.5,4BHK units that features high-end modern designs. The project is at a prime location that offers a luxurious lifestyle with lush green gardens and scenic landscapes.
The Launch Price is the builder's price for this property, which is appealing with its exclusive deals and rates. The launch phase is an excellent opportunity for builders to get project interest. Builders give exclusive discounts to early buyers that include flexible payment plans and reduced costs of up to 10% for booking houses.
The builder is offering a lot of incentives in the early phase to make buying a home easier here. The launch offers are only for a limited time till all approvals are got and to know about it, buyers can watch for regular updates from the builder. The latest pricing details will be made through the project's official website.
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